HeartWorksCPR News ReleaseEberle Communications For Immediate Release .asis
Heartworks CPR to Host Emergency Preparedness Class Glenview, IL, February 06, 2007 - Heartworks CPR, a leader in CPR and first aid training, will host an emergency preparedness class on Saturday, February 24th from 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. at the Edgebrook Branch of the Chicago Public Library. Located at 5331 W. Devon the event is free to the public. Included within the demonstration, Heartworks CPR co-founders Cindy Zaban and Vicki Dank will teach appropriate first-aid responses in a variety of situations, including how to control bleeding, what to do when someone is choking and the most effective ways to call and ready your location for 911 emergency assistance. The February demonstration is part one of a three-part series on CPR and first aid through the Chicago Public Library. Future demonstrations will include identifying the differences between a heart attack and stroke, treating allergic reactions and bug bites and what to do when someone is suffering from airway problems. For further information on the February 24th demonstration, contact the Chicago Public Library at (312) 747-4050. About Heartworks CPR Heartworks CPR to Host Emergency Preparedness Class At the Chicago Public Library - page 2 of Two home, school or place of business. Heartworks CPR also provides CPR Certification for those professions requiring the accreditation, including health care providers, trainers, Heartworks CPR conducts classes on basic life support, first aid, CPR, CPR Certification, Defibrillator Use, strokes, allergic reactions, insect bites, pet first aid and pet CPR. To learn more about Heartworks CPR, call them at 847-724-6575 or visit their web site at www.heartworkscpr.com # # # |