Facts About CPREzyThe cprezy kit - The world's first complete CPR assistance kit for both inexperienced and experienced rescuers. Can you afford not to have CPREzy? What do you do in an emergency if you've forgotten or are too panicky to remember your CPR training? Many people have been taught CPR but unfortunately, unless you periodically retrain, these CPR skills diminish rapidly and most people have great difficulty in performing really effective CPR in an emergency. An Australian doctor (Dr Andrew Davaris) observing that many doctors and nurses were also unable to perform effective CPR during a medical emergency, was prompted to develop the CPREzy kit. His goal was to develop a simple device that could be used by ordinary people. It would indicate the correct rate and chest compression force required for effective external heart massage. And it would provide a very simple feedback mechanism, which can be used very easily in a real emergency. The CPREzy kit consists of two components - the CPR Ezy-Pad and the CPR Ezy-Mask. CPREzy is an interactive CPR aid, not a life-saving device. It is designed to assist rescuers prolong patient survival until the arrival of emergency services personnel. It is recommended that all CPREzy users undertake an accredited CPR training course. CPREzy should not be used on persons under 8 years of age or 90lb The CPR Ezy-PadThe CPR Ezy-Pad (chest compression pad) has been developed over many years with the support and cooperation from other doctors and medical organizations and provides a very simple feedback mechanism, which can be used very easily in a real emergency. Here are some of its primary features: Aids effective CPR chest compressionsThe Res-Q-PadThe key to effective CPR chest compressions is a combination of achieving the correct rate, rhythm and depth compression. CPR Ezy-Pad assist's rescuers achieve these criteria by visually and audibly indicating the rate and depth at which CPR chest compressions should be performed. Guides the rate of chest compression with an audible toneAn essential aspect of maintaining adequate blood flow to the vital organs during a cardiopulmonary arrest is the application of chest compressions at the correct rate. The human heart can beat at over 200 times per minute during strenuous exercise and at levels as low as 50 bpm when relaxed. During cardiac arrest, the UK Resuscitation Council, International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation (ILCOR) and the European Resuscitation Council all recommend that chest compressions be applied at a rate of 100 per minute for adult single rescuer CPR. CPR Ezy-Pad emits an audible tone at a constant 100bpm rate to indicate how often the chest needs to be compressed for optimal CPR. This audible tone is emitted at >80dB to ensure that it is heard above most ambient noise. CPR Ezy-Pad also contains a yellow LED which flashes in time with this 100bpm tone providing a visual cue for the rate of compression. This feature assists the application of CPR in cases where rescuers are hearing impaired, or are unable to hear the audible tone due to overwhelming aircraft or traffic noise. LED pressure sensor for consistent chest compressionLED pressure sensor for consistent chest compression.When pressure is applied by hand to CPR Ezy-Pad, pressure sensitive light emitting diodes (LED's) indicate the correct amount of force required for each chest compression. Four green LED's are present on CPR Ezy-Pad to indicate the target pressure required for patients of different weight and size. Rescuers need to estimate the size of the patient and apply sufficient pressure to illuminate the corresponding LED. Applying this force in time with the audible tone ensures consistent chest compression. Reduces the risk of chest injuryWhen used correctly, CPR Ezy-Pad can reduce the risk of rib fractures, cartilage separation and coronary artery and cardiac conduction system damage. The rescuer achieves this risk reduction by applying only enough force to illuminate the LED that corresponds to the victim's approximate size. Rescuers should also be aware of an increased risk of chest injury when the caution light is illuminated during compressions. Note: Even during ideal application of CPR, chest injuries may occur. Rescuers should adjust their force accordingly in these situations. Aids CPR trainingCPR Ezy-Pad can be used to assist individual's train for CPR emergencies. Using CPR Ezy-Pad allows external cardiac compression training to be performed with or without the use of resuscitation manikins. If a manikin is not available, CPR Ezy-Pad can simply be placed onto a flat surface and simulated cardiac compression can be performed and monitored by the CPR Ezy-Pad force sensing LED's. The audible tone emitted from CPR Ezy-Pad also assists rescuers to practice cardiac compressions at the optimal rate. Ensures full release of force between compressionsResearch suggests that to maintain adequate blood flow to the vital organs, rescuers must fully release the applied pressure between chest compressions. This relaxation of pressure allows the heart to passively fill prior to the next chest compression. When using CPR Ezy-Pad, rescuers should ensure that none of the green LED's are illuminated during the upstroke of compression. This indicates that pressure has been released between compressions and is essential for the effective administration of CPR. Automatic battery testerWhen CPR Ezy-Pad is switched on, 3 tones will be heard. This is the automatic battery tester. 3 sharp tones means the battery is OK. 3 low tones and a flashing red light means the battery is low and should be replaced at the earliest opportunity. The battery must be replaced once a year or when indicated by the battery tester. Re-programmable audible tone rateCPR Ezy-Pad is factory set to emit an audible tone at 100 beats per minute (bpm), which is the ideal recommended rate for CPR chest compressions when one rescuer is present. For professional organisations that perform CPR with two rescuers, CPR Ezy-Pad can be set to emit an audible tone at 60bpm. To change the CPR Ezy-Pad from 100bpm to 60bpm, hold the CPR Ezy-Pad 'on/off' button down for 5 seconds. After this period CPR Ezy-Pad will begin to emit a 60bpm tone. CPR Ezy-Pad is now programmed to emit a tone at this rate each time the unit is switched on. To change the tone rate back to 100bpm, simply repeat the above procedure. Assists with rescuer fatigueIn some cases, the administration of CPR can last upwards of 15 minutes. During this time rescuers can become fatigued and deliver sub-standard CPR. When CPR is performed manually, it is very difficult for rescuers to assess how much this fatigue is affecting their CPR performance. CPR Ezy-Pad assists rescuer fatigue in two ways. Firstly, rescuers often apply more force than is necessary during manual CPR which is not only dangerous for the patient, but also causes the rescuer to exert greater energy and fatigue at a faster rate. By indicating the appropriate compression force required CPR Ezy-Pad can reduce this rescuer fatigue. Secondly, CPR Ezy-Pad provides rescuers with instant feedback on their CPR application. When rescuers are unable to compress the chest at the rate and depth indicated by CPR Ezy-Pad, the rescuer is made aware of his approaching fatigue and can summon another rescuer to take over. Assists the correct angle of compressionProperly performed CPR requires rescuers to have straight arms, interlocked fingers and their shoulders positioned directly over their hands. This ensures that each chest compression thrust is straight down on the sternum. CPR Ezy-Pad assists rescuers to apply this straight down force by evenly transferring the pressure through the CPR Ezy-Pad to the patient's chest. Applying force at an incorrect angle to CPR Ezy-Pad may cause it to tilt, which acts as a reminder to the rescuer to monitor and rectify his angle of compression. CPR Ezy-Pad also elevates the rescuers hands above the patient's chest, helping to prevent the fingers from resting on the ribcage and distorting the application of pressure. Takes the guesswork out of CPRBy indicating the correct rate and force required for each chest compression, CPR Ezy-Pad reduces the guesswork associated with performing effective CPR. CPR Ezy-Pad can assist anyone with a basic understanding of CPR to perform more effective chest compressions. Given that the majority of non-medical personnel will undertake only one CPR training course in their lifetime, CPR Ezy-Pad can help reduce the fear and guesswork that many rescuers will contend with when faced with trying to perform CPR chest compressions at the correct rate and force to save someone's life. |